Attention Landlords!
<Click here to submit your free listing today>
Email us with your text and photos. Ad will run as long as you want.
Having your ad online provides you an opportunity to more fully describe your apartment, and even provide pictures if you want - something that would be quite expensive to do in the paper. You can also change the ad, or stop it much faster than you can with the classifieds. Providing more information online will also lower the amount of 'nuisance calls' you receive.
Send as much or as little information as you would like.
There is absolutely no charge for this service, however we do ask that you put the '' in any classified, or other ads you may have. That helps us and you!
Your email address will NOT be shared or sold to anyone should you submit a listing (but will be in ad if you want).
If you need background or credit checks on potential renters, or have other Landlord/Tenant related issues you need help with, <click here> to send us an email with your request.